MiniBoard (MM32F0163D7P)
Arm Cortex-M0 core
On-board MM32F0163D7P(LQFP64)
3 user press keys and 1 reset key
4 user LEDs
3 adjustable potentiometers
PWM buzzer
8M SPI Flash and 2K EEPROM
Development board interface: CAN, I3C, 2 x USB Type-C (MCU USB and USB- UART CH340)
Development board connector: Arduino UNO compatible expansion connector; MM32F0163D7P full-pin expansion connector
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MM32F0160 Lib Samples
English 1.2.3 ZIP 9.75MB 2024.01.10Description: Supports MM32F0160 and the Cortex-M Microcontroller Software Interface Standard (CMSIS), MM32 Standard Peripheral Library, IAR and MDK development, and offer rich reference samples for library function and register operations.
Mini-F0160 (LQFP64) PCB Design File
English 1.00 ZIP 22.46MB 2023.04.21Description: Mini-F0160 schematic diagram & PCB board diagram & panel diagram
Mini-F0160 (LQFP64) Schematic
Chinese 1.00 PDF 328.74KB 2022.12.20Description: Mini-F0160 reference schematic, supports MM32F0144C6P (LQFP48) series
Mini-F0160 User Guide (Chinese)
Chinese 1.00 PDF 2.22MB 2023.06.20Description: Mini-F0160 User Guide
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